
  • Handle PL HD512B

    Size : 512B 25*D305
    Color: Mirror/Satin
    Material: Stainless Steel

  • Handle SL105

    Size : A1500 x B1300 x C38*25 X D75
    Color: Satin
    Material: Stainless Steel

  • 半钢化玻璃

    半钢化玻璃又称热增强玻璃。是把普通玻璃加热至玻璃表面温度为3500PSI或是少于10000PSI和玻璃边缘的温度为5500PSI或是少于9700PSI而成的。此类玻璃符合 ANSI 97.1, BS 6206 和 AN/NZS 2208等国际质量标准。



    • 特征:
    1. 比普通玻璃强两倍。
    2. 更强的弯曲度和抵抗力
    3. 半钢化玻璃提供极好的热应激抵抗力
    • 应用:


  • 中空玻璃

    中空是用两片(或三片)玻璃,使用高强度高气密性复合粘接剂,将玻璃片与内含干燥剂的铝合金框架粘结,制成的高效能隔音、隔热玻璃。中空玻璃多种性能优越于普通双层玻璃,因此得到了世界各国的认可,中空玻璃是将两片或多片玻璃以有效支撑均匀隔开并周边粘结密封,使玻璃层间形成有干燥气体空间的玻璃制品。符合美国 ASTM E 2190 质量标准。


    • 特征:
    1. 减少高温和失温
    2. 避免蒸气冷凝
    3. 隔音和提高室内的声音
    4. 减少阳光直射和紫外线
    5. 可用作安全和保障窗户
    • 应用:
    1. 用于所有建筑项目,特别是需要严格温度和噪声的控制,比如办公楼,高层建筑,酒店,商业中心,医院等等。
  • 安全夹胶玻璃

    CSSG夹胶玻璃也称夹层玻璃。夹胶玻璃是两片或数片浮法玻璃中间夹以强韧PVB (乙烯聚合物丁酸盐)胶膜,经热压机压合并尽可能地排出中间空气,然后放入高压蒸汽釜内利用高温高压将残余的少量空气溶入胶膜而成。当破裂时,PVB中间层保持玻璃层粘合并防止其分开。CSSG夹胶玻璃经过TUV Renault的检验,符合了AN/NZS 2208, ANSI Z97.1 和 BS6206。


    • 特征:
    1. 若有破损,玻璃碎片将保留粘着夹层,减少受伤风险
    2. 入侵抵抗性
    3. 参与负载+超凡力度
    4. 预防掉落
    5. 98%紫外线控制性
    6. 可以承受子弹,爆炸和飓风
    7. 一种良好隔音屏障
    8. 减少阳光热量以便降低冷气费用
    9. 夹胶玻璃是耐用的,保留原本颜色和强度
    10. 很容易安装
    11. 透明度+能见度
  • MC-800 Acrylic Latex Sealant

    MC-800 is a one-part paintable, water base acrylic sealant. It will cure and form a flexible tough rubber. MC-800 is a cost-effective and environmental friendly sealant. Good adhesion to most surfaces like wood, concrete, glass, ceramic, granite and marble, etc.

  • MC-807 Acrylic Latex Sealant – Gap Filler

    MC-807 is a one component, latex non-staining material that cures into a flexible and tough rubber with good adhesion to porous surfaces without primer gasket. It shows excellent UV Resistance and will not crack even after many years of outdoor exposure. It is also an environmental friendly sealant that can be easily cleaned up with water. Can be painted over in short time with latex or oil base paint.

  • MS-602 MS Polymer Sealant – Low Modulus

    MS-602 is based upon Hybrid Silyl Modified Polyether Technology. It is a neutral, single component, low modulus with high movement capability joint sealant. It has an outstanding bond strength and primerless adhesion on various types of substrates. It can be painted with most kinds of paints and has superior weatherability in all climates. It will not form bubble within sealant even in a high temperature and humidity applications or apply on moist surfaces. It is a high performance flexible elastic sealant suitable for all kinds of applications and conditions.


    Wacker PA is one-part, acid-curing, high-modulus silicone sealant for glazing and industrial applications.

    + Application

    • Glass and windows construction
    • Sealing of joints between glazing and supporting structure (frame, transoms, millions)
  • Pillar BY1

    Code : Ac-L-SGB-037-5
    Color : Satin
    Material : Stainless / Tube

  • Pillar Glass 2051

    Code : Ac-L-SGB-039-2
    Color : Satin
    Material : Stainless / Tube


    SA-101 is a one part, high performance 100% RTV Acetic Silicone Sealant. It is suitable for a wide range of sealing and glazing applications where durability and reliability is required. It has superior resistant to UV-Radiation, Vibration and weathering, etc. It will not sag and adheres to a variety of non-porous substrates such as glass, ceramic, tiles, aluminum, fiberglass, non-oily wood, etc.